What are the benefits of turbot fish?
What are the benefits of turbot fish?
Turbot is one of the fish species that live at the bottom of the sea and are found on sandy seabeds. Turbot, which has a circular, flat body structure, hides under the sand. Turbot, which has eyes on its body, can watch its prey from above. Thus, it catches its prey much more easily than normal. The change in the color of its body allows it to easily adapt to its surroundings. It can easily hide while running away. The fact that it is one of the fish that is consumed with pleasure is due to its high nutritional value and taste. Turbot contains a rich omega-3 fatty acid. With the consumption of turbot, you consume a food that supports heart health and has positive effects on the cardiovascular system. In addition, supporting muscle development and being seen as an important source of nutrition for the body are among its benefits. Turbot improves nervous system health and contributes to energy production.
Consuming turbot helps a person to take in important minerals such as iron and zinc. It is suitable for use by those who want to strengthen the immune system and support biochemical processes in the body. Turbot, which is beneficial for bone health, is also used in weight control. Garlic, olive oil and fresh herbs are added to flavor turbot.

How to Catch Turbot ?
Turbot fish, which live in deep waters and move slowly, move very little. They generally bury themselves in the sand to camouflage themselves. This makes it easier for them to hunt and survive. Turbot fish, which like to stay in areas with sand, feed on crabs and marine animals on the seabed. When you want to catch turbot fish, it is not possible to catch it at all times of the year. Because the months between February and May, when the fish come to shallow waters to spawn, are preferred.
Sardine, chub mackerel, mackerel and horse mackerel are also used in the fishing of turbot. Fishing is easier with these baits that increase productivity. The most preferred bait type is known as horse mackerel. You should also remember that there are some points you need to pay attention to when you want to hunt turbot. This type of fish generally waits hidden. This means that it can catch its prey as a result of a quick attack. Turbot's body structure is flat. The fact that its eyes are on the upper part allows it to observe its prey well. It generally moves slowly and adapts to its environment in the most compatible way. It finds worms, crustaceans and small fish during hunting. Its mouth structure also facilitates the adaptation of turbot. Its strong jaws and wide mouth shape allow it to quickly catch its prey from the sand. It is also known by many that turbot detects and catches its prey. Thanks to this feature, it also helps to maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the sea.

What to Know About Turbot Fishing?
Since turbot is a bottom-dwelling fish species, three different bottom gears are used for its hunting. Turbot burrows into the sand. Thus, it attacks its prey from the area where it hides on the bottom. It is more correct for those who want to hunt turbot to move their bait along the bottom. Thus, it becomes easier to catch this fish species. Another important issue for catching turbot is to know the characteristics of these fish in detail.
The slowly moving turbot buries itself in the sand against possible dangers. For this reason, the fishing line and hooks must be strong. Otherwise, turbot fish cannot be removed from where they are buried. The fishing line you will use is also among the important points. You should use special fishing lines known as bottom fishing lines. The length of your fishing line should also be taken as at least fifty meters. It is also sufficient to request a three-hook set for the fishing line. It also helps to increase the performance you expect.
In this content, we will touch on the benefits of turbot fish . I hope it has been a useful blog type for you. Also, don't forget to take a look at the hooded fishing t-shirt models on our site!