How to Catch Sea Bass? Sea Bass Fishing Techniques
Catching sea bass is one of the fishing activities that require expertise at every stage. It is necessary to have knowledge about where, how and with which bait to catch it and to act accordingly. The main reason for this situation is that sea bass is quite cunning and agile. It is known that it is generally caught from mid-May to the end of September. However, it is also possible to catch it at intervals after September in November, December, January and February. More than one method is used during sea bass fishing. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to catch sea bass, you can continue reading our article and learn about the techniques used.
Bass Fishing Technique with Bottom Scraping
One of the methods frequently used for bass fishing is bottom rubbing. A fifty fathom long, 0.50 number green or bright yellow fishing line is attached to the canteen. The fishing line used in the tackle is thinned or thickened according to the size of the fish. For example, for a bass fish weighing under five kilos, 0.45 fishing line and 0.35 size are preferred. The first of the baits used for the friction tackle is known as shrimp. When you use live and large shrimp for bass fishing tactics, you can get quite successful results. Fresh atherina, sardine, and squid are preferred as different bait alternatives. You can start fishing for bass by using the right bait techniques. However, you should make sure that you proceed consciously throughout the entire process.

Sea Bass Fishing Technique
One of the methods in bass fishing techniques is known as chaparri. Twelve shackles are provided so that the bass chaparri is 0.40. It should be adjusted to be 0.60 numbered yellow or green. Double knots are made on the ends of the shackles that are connected to the hook. Five of the rooster's red and white feathers are tied to the hooks. The shackles are determined by the point process. The distance between them is ten centimeters. A fishing line that is forty fathoms long is used. When the fishing area is reached, it is released from the engine that moves at a speed of 1 mile. It is released in a total of thirty-five fathoms. If the fish comes to the hook, the engine is stopped and the fishing line is pulled slowly. Thus, the bass is taken to the boat.
Drop Fishing Technique
In order to get efficient results during bass fishing, a release rod is used. This type of fishing offers amateur fishermen the opportunity to go to a different spot after releasing and releasing into the water. Thus, the fisherman collects the rods at the end of the fishing and checks whether he caught a bass. If he caught a bass, he takes the fish to the boat. If the bait used for bass fishing is spoiled, the bait is renewed. You can check it four times throughout the day or the night. The release rod is one of the methods that allows you to catch your fish yourself without having to make any extra effort.

Horse Pull Technique
Sea bass is one of the predatory fish species. This situation causes them not to be easily hunted. When the fish species are examined, it is possible to say that they are cunning fish. Sea bass observes the surroundings in the position it is in. Although it lives in the water, it even examines the outside of the water. The areas it will hunt are usually slightly wavy and rocky areas. It can catch young fish without difficulty. Among its frequently preferred prey is mullet. In addition to mullet, it is possible to say that it also prefers fish species such as mullet, ispari and zmarit.
When examined in detail, sea bass come to certain areas in the morning when the sun rises. It is also known that they come to hunt in the evening when the sun sets. In certain cases, it is observed that sea bass are also present in areas where fresh water mixes with the sea.
Bait Tackle Technique
Among the bass fishing tactics, the bait tackle method is generally used in wavy weather. The aim is to cast the rod to the farthest point possible. Options such as worms, shellfish, shrimp are used as bait for fishing. One of the points to be considered for bass fishing is that the materials are selected correctly and completely. Successful bass fishing tactics and equipment allow you to catch your fish without difficulty and in a short time. At the same time, bass fishing is an enjoyable activity for people of all ages. Professional fishermen use methods such as bottom skimming. It is observed that amateur fishermen use more minimal equipment and simple methods. Bass fishing for commercial purposes and amateur bass fishing practices are different from each other.
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